A Relaxing Evening Routine for Writers

Oftentimes, when we step away from work for the day, we still find ourselves in a sea of to-dos and responsibilities. When we don’t start to turn off the notifications to our brain, we can hinder our ability to get a good night’s sleep and not be able to fill our reserve tank of energy back to the top. I love a good evening routine because it helps signal to my brain that we’re slowing down for the evening. In addition to a spa-like skincare routine in the evenings, I also try to follow the list below on a nightly basis.

An Evening Routine for Writers in 11 Steps

  1. Tidy up your workspace.

  2. Save and backup your manuscript.

  3. Pour a glass of water and add a lemon slice.

  4. Sit outside for 30 minutes with no distractions.

  5. Make a healthy meal for dinner.

  6. Take a hot bath or shower to feel refreshed.

  7. Journal any lingering thoughts from the day.

  8. Settle in with a cup of tea and light reading.

  9. Put away screens an hour before bed.

  10. Diffuse lavender oil to promote a good night’s sleep.

  11. Meditate.

How do you unwind at the end of the day? Leave a comment below!